There are no safe injectable long-term contraceptives.
(Contraceptive = reversible. Sterilant = not reversible).
Over 200 million women use IUDs worldwide.
Feral Equids
The iUPOD®, designed for use in mares, represents a humane solution and promising means of a long-term, drug-free, reversible (not sterilant) contraceptive for feral Equids: Donkeys, Mustangs, Brumbies and Kaimanawas.
Pasture-bred and Artificial Insemination pilot studies in the USA and Australia showed the iUPOD® (40x16 mm; 18.9 g; 3.8 newtons of magnetic force) contraceptive efficacy of 100% in mares. Infertility is essentially immediate after intravaginal device insertion. The devices used in these studies were plain, i.e., drug-free and copper-free. Reversibility was observed within 30 days (second cycle) post-device retrieval - USA study. Mean serum cortisol concentrations were significantly lower in iUPOD® mares than control mares - Australian study. Due to its ergonomics and self-assembling features, the device can be inserted in open mares at any stage of the estrous cycle. Therefore, it is potentially suited for once-in-a-lifetime, i.e., 12-15 years, or the reproductive life span of most feral horse populations - catch and release scenarios. Satellite tracking is a realistic prospect.
Note: iUPOD® is currently not marketed to be used as a contraceptive in domestic equids.
As the degradation of natural habitats accelerates, the frequency and intensity of human-wildlife conflicts are likely to increase. For example, elephants migrating into protected areas such as the Okavango Delta in Botswana contribute to local overpopulation. Feral equids, known for their high reproductive rate, can experience a population doubling every four years. In addition, the expansion of baboons into human settlements results in property damage and poses a significant risk to human safety. Addressing human-wildlife conflict, along with the unethical practices of animal killing and poisoning, is critical for promoting sustainable coexistence and equitable resource sharing.
iUPODs® represent a contemporary innovation based on contraceptive pebbles historically used by traders during the Middle Ages to prevent pregnancy in camels. The primary mechanism of action of iUPODs® involves local mechanical interference with the uterine environment, inhibiting implantation. An electrolytic copper coating further enhances the device’s efficacy, which introduces copper ions known to possess spermicidal properties. iUPODs® could effectively manage overabundant wildlife populations, including baboons and macaques in Africa and Asia, free-ranging cattle in India, feral camels in Australia, and hippopotamuses in various regions. Additionally, iUPODs® may offer an ideal contraceptive solution for first-calving elephants and serve as an efficient tool for population control in animal sanctuaries and zoological institutions.